Reading Challenge 2015

  • A book with more than 500 pages, Le fil des souvenirs, Victoria Hislop
  • A classic romance, Cotillon, Georgette Heyer
  • A book that became a movie
  • A book published this year, All joy and no fun, Jennifer Senior
  • A book with a number in the title, 6m² de cuisine, Sonia Ezgulian
  • A book written by someone under 30, Un mois chez les filles, Maryse Choisy
  • A book with nonhuman characters
  • A funny book, Et en plus, il cuisine ! Angéla Morelli
  • A book by a female author, Un air de liberté – Variations sur l’esprit du 18è siècle, Chantal Thomas
  • A mystery or a thriller, Meurtres au potager du Roi, Michèle Barrière
  • A book with a one-word title, Fangirl, Rainbow Rowell
  • A book of short stories, L’interprète grec et autres aventures de Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle
  • A book set in a different country, Le restaurant de l’amour retrouvé, Ogawa Ito (Japon)
  • A nonfiction book, Les évaporés du Japon, Léna Mauger et Stéphane Remael
  • A popular author’s first book
  • A book from an author you love that you haven’t read yet, La nouvelle vie d’Arsène Lupin, Adrien Goetz
  • A book a friend recommended
  • A Pulitzer Prize-winning book
  • A book based on a true story, Qu’il est beau et doux de mourir pour sa patrie, Avi Primor
  • A book at the bottom of your to-read list, Amers suivi de Oiseaux, Saint-John Perse
  • A book your mom loves
  • A book that scares you, Un vampire, Luigi Capuanna
  • A book more than 100 years old, Les misérables, Victor Hugo (tome 1)
  • A book based entirely on its cover, Le chaste monde, Régine Detambel
  • A book you were supposed to read in school but didn’t, Les caractères, La Bruyère (en fait j’en ai présenté un extrait à l’oral du bac français, mais sans jamais lire l’oeuvre complète)
  • A memoir, Mémoires d’un bison, Oscar Zeta Acosta
  • A book you can finish in a day, La dame aux élixirs, Annie Jay
  • A book with antonyms in the title
  • A book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit, Mille jours à Venise, Marlena de Blasi
  • A book that came out the year you were born
  • A book with bad reviews
  • A trilogy, Poison, Charme, Beauté, Sarah Pinborough
  • A book from your childhood, L’aiguille empoisonnée, Annie Jay
  • A book with a love triangle, Désir de chocolat, Care Santos
  • A book set in the future
  • A book set in high school, Adèle et les noces de la Reine Margot, Silène Edgar
  • A book with a color in the title, Rêves en blanc, Nora Roberts
  • A book that made you cry
  • A book with magic, Ce qui nous lie, Samantha Bailly
  • A graphic novel, Poverello, Robin
  • A book by an author you’ve never read before, Le doctorat impromptu, Andrea de Nerciat
  • A book you own but have never readL’éventail et l’épée, Georgette Heyer
  • A book that takes place in your hometown
  • A book that was originally written in different language (j’exclus les traductions de l’anglais vers le français), La Ferme des Neshov, Anne B. Ragde (norvégien)
  • A book set during Christmas, Mischief and mistletoe, Collectif
  • A book written by an author with your same initials
  • A play, L’Ecole des maris, Molière
  • A banned book, 1000 coups de fouet, Raif Badawi
  • A book based on or turned into a TV show
  • A book you started but never finished, Petit éloge de l’errance, Akira Mizubayashi

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